课程目录:MongoDB for Advanced Users培训
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Advanced Data Manipulations
Adjustment of the Mongo Shell
Efficient handling CRUD operations (inserts, queries, updates, deletes)
Useful admin commands
Performance optimization
Built in monitoring tools: mongotop, mongostat
Analysing memory and IO performance
MongoDB Cloud Manager and Munin
Identifying sub-optimal queries. Using the query profiler.
Storage engines: MMAPv1 and WiredTiger
Explainable object
Indexing and special collections
Managing indexes and MongoDB indexing internals
Single field and compound indexes
Indexes on arrays and sub-documents
Geo Indexes
Capped collections, TTL and tailable cursors
Single purpose aggregation
Aggregation pipelines
Introduction to map-reduce
How asynchronous replication works in MongoDB
Setting-up and maintaining replica set
Using write concern and read preference
Handling replication failures
How auto sharding works
Setting up a MongoDB shard cluster
How to wisely choose a shard key
Advanced administering a sharded cluster
Managing unbalanced sharded cluster
Dealing with chunks (splitting, merging, migrating
Authentication and authorization in replica sets and sharded clusters
Managing privileges and custom roles
Recommendations for secure deployment
Backup and Restore Plans
filesystem based strategies
mongodump and mongorestore
point-in-time recovery