课程目录:Apache Camel培训
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1. Introduction to Camel
Camel's message model
Camel's architecture
2. Managing routing with Camel
The endpoints

Create Java routes
Using message filter
Using multicasting
3. Data transformation in Camel
Introduction to data transformation
Transforming data with EIPs and Java
XML Transformation
Data format provided with Camel
Using Camel's CSV and JSON data format
Transforming with templates
Using Camel type converters
4. Beans and Camel
Beans invocation from Java
The Service Activator pattern
Using bean's registries
Camel's method-selection algorithm
Bean parameter binding
5. Error Handling
Understanding error handling
Error handlers in Camel
6. Using Camel's components
Overview of Camel components
File and FTP components
JMS component
CXF component for web services
MINA component for networking
JDBC and JPA components
Timer component
7. Using the Enterprise Integration Patterns
Routing Slip
Dynamic Router
Load Balancer
8. Transactions in Camel
Transaction basics
The Transaction Client EIP
Configuring and using transactions
9. Concurrency and scalability
Using concurrency
Camel thread pool profiles
Using concurrency with EIPs
Synchronicity and threading
The concurrency client API
Using the asynchronous routing engine
10. Monitoring Camel
Checking health at the network level
Checking health at the JVM level
Using JMX with Camel
Verifying application activity
Managing Camel applications