Apache Spark for .NET Developers培训
Overview of Apache Spark Features and Architecture
Apache Spark modules: Spark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib, GraphX
RDD, Dataframes, drive-workers, DAG, etc.
Setting up Apache Spark on .NET
Preparing the Java VM
Running .NET for Apache Spark using .NET Core
Getting Started
Creating a sample .NET console application
Adding the Spark driver
Initializing a SparkSession
Executing the application
Preparing Data
Building a data preparation pipeline
Performing ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load)
Machine Learning
Building a machine learning model
Preparing the data
Training a model
Real-time Processing
Processed streaming data in real-time
Case study: monitoring sensor data
Interactive Query
Working with Spark SQL
Analyzing structured data
Visualizing Results
Plotting results
Using third-party tools to visualize results
Summary and Conclusion