Magento 2: Theme Development培训
Magento 2 in Depth
Magento 2 architecture
Components and modules
Design patterns and ORM
Preparing the Development Environment
Installing and configuring Magento 2
Troubleshooting installation requirements
Module Creation and Customization
Creating a module
Versioning and handling a module
Creating and filling a database
Altering a database with Magento scripts
Handling requests
Themes and Layouts
Modifying with LESS
Using URL developer tools
Overriding a view
Altering a layout
Extending resources
Relocating items
Debugging a layout
Creating a container
Developing a theme skeleton
Building a theme with or without a theme parent
UI Component Library
Implementing UI components to a back-end
Creating an admin grid
Creating a form for item creation
Extending UI components
Working with checkout
Advanced Customizations
Using dependency injection configuration
Creating an observer
Implementing plugins
Working with Require.js to extend Javascript configurations
Summary and Conclusion