课程目录:KOps Fundamentals and HA Kubernetes Masters for Developers培训
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Setting Up and Configuring KOps in the Kubernetes System

Installing managed Kubernetes add-ons
Migrating from Kube-up to KOps
Kubernetes networking options for KOps
Running KOps in the preferred cloud environment
Overview of KOps Features and Architecture

How is KOps similar to Kubectl?
Introduction to supported configurations and operational tasks
Overview of Other Supported Network Topologies

Integrating KOps with GitLab CI for Continuous Integration

Working with KOps Command-Line Interface

Enabling CLI Commands and Experimental Flags in KOps

Pointing Kubectl to a KOps cluster
Utilizing KOps API and Executing API Configurations

Familiarizing with API KOps Values for Customizing Kubernetes Components

Overview of Configurations for Clusters and Instance Groups

Working with YAML Manifests and Customizing via API

Adding Features and Updating KOps API

Performing KOps Operational Tasks and Carrying Out Cluster Management

Introduction to cluster operations and configuration templates
Proceeding to KOps GPU and Implementing Highly-Available Principles

What are HA and HA components?
Use cases for running an HA set up
Creating HA Kubernetes Masters and Clusters in KOps

Instantiating HA components in a public topology
Instantiating HA components in a private topology
Launching Multiple HA Masters in the Same Availability Zone

Using InstaceGroup Images for Cluster Nodes

Managing cluster nodes and labels
Switching from Single to a Multi-Master HA Kubernetes Cluster

Creating new instance groups in KOps
Managing KOps instance groups
Running Unit and Integration Tests with KOps Clusters

Executing Kubernetes E2E testing
Securing Individual Cluster Nodes Using Bastion Machines for SSH Authentication

Configuring and accessing bastion
Setting up MFA and working with IAM roles
Utilizing SSH credentials and Executing Other Security Configurations in KOPS

Deploying HA Kubernetes Masters and Clusters to Existing VPCs Using KOps

Creating a New Virtual Private Cloud with KOps


Summary and Conclusion