课程目录:React with Next.js培训
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Next.js Overview

What is Next.js?
Next.js features
Preparing the Development Environment

Installing and configuring Next.js
Next.js Quick Start

Initializing the application
Creating and using components
Working with state
Styling the application
Bindings and Forms

Using component binding
Validating forms and input
State and Data Management

Creating, updating, and managing stores
Web Services

Adding a REST API
Sending, fetching, and transforming data
Routing and SSR

Preloading components
Fetching and pre-fetching data
Syncing stores
Data Persistence

Setting up MongoDB
Creating a database
Connecting to a database
Testing the Application

Testing with unit tests and mock tests
Debugging the Application

Handling errors
Deploying the Application

Deploying the full stack application
Hosting the full stack application
Securing the Application

Authenticating with AuthO

Summary and Conclusion