课程目录:Android System Programming培训
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Preparing the Development Environment

Eclipse and Android SDK
System programming and the C/C++ programming language
Organizing source code repositories
Overview of Linux Platform Architecture

Understanding the Android file structure
How code is organized in Android
How system services (applications) talk to hardware
Linux Kernel

Understanding the Android device driver framework
Interfacing hardware (Sensors, Camera, Audio) to Android HAL
Compiling the Kernel
Android HAL

Understanding HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer)
Interfacing HAL to system services (applications)
System Programming

Understanding the Android build system
Building and debugging an Android system
Debugging the boot up process
Android for Embedded Platforms

Overview of virtual hardware (translators, bridges, simulators, emulators, and virtual machines)
Customizing the Android Emulator
Customizing Android for ARM-based systems
Android Networking

Enabling Wi-Fi
Adding New Hardware

Integrating hardware devices
Enabling graphics
Deploying Android

Creating OTA packages

Android recovery
Summary and Conclusion