课程目录:Building Microservices with Microsoft Azure Service Fabric (ASF)培训
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Overview of Microservices

Container concepts
Characteristics and benefits of microservices
Overview of Microsoft Azure Service Fabric (ASF) Architecture

The Service fabric cluster
Orchestrating and deploying containers with ASF

Service Fabric Explorer
Design-time concepts
Run-time concepts
Getting Started with ASF

Working with Visual Studio and ASF SDK
Creating an ASF cluster
Creating an Application

Upgrading an application
Using the Cluster Resource Manager
Implementing Stateless and Stateful Services

Stateless vs stateful services
Implementing stateless and stateful services concurrently
Using Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Services
Managing the Application Lifecycle

Understanding workflows and service network communication
Deployment options
Reliable Services Framework

Choosing a communication stack
Remoting and non-Microsoft services
Reliable Actor Framework

Understanding The Actor Design Pattern
Threading and concurrency
Garbage collection
Deploying the Application

Local vs cloud deployments
Depoying to other clouds (AWS, etc.)
Debugging the Application

Using system health reports to monitor the application

Summary and Conclusion