课程目录:Node.js concepts & administration, Express.js, V8 engine, monitoring, pm2培训
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Installation of Express.js
Directory structure of an Express.js application
Creation of a server
Routing & Middleware functions
Error handling
server side Logging

Server side modules: HTTP, HTTPS, URL, SSL/TLS, Cluster, DNS, Process & child process, REPL, Zlib
Load balancing in association with nginx
Node.js - the foundation (Concepts and architecture only)
Node.js, V8 & Server side development
Blocking vs. Non-Blocking
Event-driven Programming
Event Loop & the single threaded demultiplexer
npm as a package manager
Dependency mechanisms
The package.json file
Version migrations
V8 engine internals
V8 as a compiler
Memory schemes
Garbage collection
Memory leaks
Monitoring with sematext
Monitoring with ruxit

1.5 PM2
Application packaging and deployments
Nodejs+pm2 runtime packaging and deployment
Nodejs scripts package
Checking and switching nodejs version
Filesystem locations and standards
Init scripts
SSL/TLS certificates
Stop, start, delete, resurrect applications
Stop, start, resurrect PM2 process