课程目录:IoT (Internet of Things) security standards for Govt 培训
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Session 1:Basic and Advanced concepts of IoT architecture from security perspective

Basic -1: A brief history of evolution of IoT technologies
Basic-2: Wearable, Edge computing, IoT wireless protocols (Sigfox, Lora etc.), IoT cloud platforms.
Basic-3 : layered architecture of IoT — Physical (Sensors), Communication, and Data Intelligence
Advanced-1 : Edge architecture, edge computation and database
Introduction of all important modules in IoT projects- fleet management, sensor data management, control system, IoT communication protocols.
Understanding major IoT components for security- sensor, gateway, cloud platform, cloud application
Session 2:Introduction to all important aspects of IoT Infrastructure security

Protecting “The Things “ in Internet of Things
Physical and Cyber security
Data protection and privacy
Sensor protection
Actuator protection
Datahub/Gateway security- North and South Bound
Methods of Intrusion into Gateway
Gateway to cloud/platform security
Amazon IoT -security standard
Azure IoT -security standard
Session 3:IoT management layer- and management layer vulnerability

Management of “The Thing”- Vulnerability and protection
Sensors –Data protection
Sensor- Calibration management and Data Integrity
IoT Hub management –layers of vulnerability
IoT Edge and edge management security
Connectivity management and security
OTA (Over the top update) – and security
Fleet management- security issue
Log management- security issues
IoT cloud security issues
Session 4:Review of evolving NIST standards/recommendation for IoT -4 hours

Review of NISTIR 8228 standard for IoT security -30 point risk consideration Model
Review of OWASP model of 10 layers of IoT security